Dozen deals for Radius in 2021

20 December 2021

The three recent acquisitions in December have made it a dozen deals completed for Radius in the last 12 months. These deals have really helped strengthen the rapidly growing new divisions of Telematics, Telecoms and Insurance as well as launch a completely new division in Vehicle Leasing. New products have been added as well as new geographies entered and Radius has acquired many more offices across the world stretching from Brisbane, Australia to Huntington Beach, California as well as a couple a little closer to home in Munich and Dublin.

Bill Holmes, Radius CEO, commented “It’s been an incredible year for M&A where we have really pushed forward with our plans to create new technology driven divisions that are helping our customers take on the advantages of Telematics & IOT, the Telecoms digital transformation and the EV transition. These new divisions now account for over 30% of the business and are growing rapidly and I am really looking forward to continuing the great progress we have made this year when 2022 starts in just a few days time. Many talented people have joined the group and we are really looking forward to working with the new teams going forward.

I wish everyone in Radius a Happy Christmas and thank you all for your great efforts over the last 12 months and look forward to working with you in the New Year as we continue to develop the business in these exciting new areas.”

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